If you don\'t know it existed , you can\'t judge it. It wasn\'t the greatest, but it wasn\'t the worst, which the honor goes to The Crow 2: City of Angels.
Underworld tried to be gothic, hip and action packed all at the same time, \'cept it didn\'t get any of those down. It was a movie that seemed so produced, that it lacked a soul. I can see the PR meeting now..
Script editor "We got this script, with werewolves and vampires"
PR guy 1 .."Yeah and well, Blade is hot..Matrix is hot...The Crow is a cult classic.."
Script Editor ..."Well, actually.."
PR guy 2 .."Perfect! Make it gothic, hip and throw some guns in! I want a moment by moment film! Great!
Pr Guy 1 . .." I\'m sold! We\'ll get a hot chick, throw her in latex and make a movie.
Now insert a bunch more producers and money and you got a souless products. A movie void of any feeling, that was just going threw the motions and accomplished nothing.