P.S. Gene Krupa rules.
Yes he does.
And you should know what technique is if you have been playing drums that long. I hope to God you know what technique is really about.
And when someone says; Bah- Metallica isnt that great, or Pff- Beatles suck or something. It makes just as much sense as me saying "he isnt that great on drums"
Sure he is talented, and fast. But he is a metal drummer, Metal drummers now a days all sound alike. When I listen to TOOL and I hear Danny Carey playing not only drums, but Congas and Bongos- I know he is a good drummer. A Good drummer is someone that isnt afraid to try something new to fit into the song.
Joey Jordinson even prefers guitar over drums. Its as simple as that, he is fast as hell, and talented; but in my eyes, he isnt that great of a drummer. When I want a good drummer, I look at Steve Smith, he could make a masterpiece with a brush, snare and hi-hat, Joey cant.
People see James Hetfield a better guitarist than BB King, and visa versa. Its how I see it, and I dont think he is that good at being a drummer. He has the speed, but he just doesnt know what to do with it.
And whats this "Part B to part C" crap your talking about?

From intro, to bridge, to Chorus etc. Its the shifting, the changing of the drum part. A simple drum roll can do in parts, and sometimes a full tom fill and double bass beat works too.
Dont get me wrong; I love some of Slipknots stuff. I have a gigantic poster of them, and even a concert T-shirt. They use to be one of my favorite bands until I discovered Tool. Now they get a listen every once and while, but they just seem to being a dying gimmick.
BTW: The clown is cooler anyway