Originally posted by clips
i kinda have it nice here. I work shift work but we get a week off every month! We make up for that week by working a week of straght nights but it works out heh. Anyway 4 weeks time off,.oh and liv-in-clip,how much does it cost to sky dive? I figure that\'s pretty expensive
First time Tandem: $150
First time Static Line $125 (cheaper after ecah jump, until you reach your \'A\' premit)
First time AFF $350 (cheaper after each jump, until you reach your \'A\' jump)
After you receive your \'A\' , you pay a certain amount for every 1,000 feet and the plane ride. Once you get your \'A\', I think it typically averages out at $20-$30 per jump. It\'s expensive to get your \'A\' though, around two thousand.