Originally posted by Samwise
Why not? It\'s not all about ghey sex and riced up cars. I read a book or two a week and I\'m sure other people here do as well.
I\'m a firm believer if you want to talk DVD\'s - go to a DVD dedicated forum. Want to talk about books? Go to a book forum. Want to talk about cars? Go to a car forum. This is a videogame forum, for cryin\' out loud.
Maybe I should clarify the above statement. If you want to talk
dedicated DVD\'s / Cars / Books, then you should go to a forum that is
dedicated to those thing. Until then, why not just bring up the occasional subject in Off-Topic, like I do with DVD\'s and Racer does with cars? There simply is not enough interest in cars, movies or books to warrant their own forum and the last thing we need is another worthless forum (see: Trading / Hints and Tips and as of late Console Debating / Console Discussion).
It\'s not up to me though. Bring it up to MM in the suggestions forum. It\'s his or Ryu\'s choice.