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Author Topic: Hooooo MOMMA!  (Read 1170 times)

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Hooooo MOMMA!
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2003, 06:30:13 PM »
bwahaha the 1st & 2nd pic looks like those insane cancers from silemt hill 3!:laughing:
knowledge, wisdom & understanding..these are the basic fundamentals of life

if you can\'t amaze them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsh*t....

Offline sabrina
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Hooooo MOMMA!
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2003, 01:16:46 AM »
how in the hell  can she play video games with out breaking
the game controller  like press the  little buttons she have a x-box
because controller is big  plus I think ps2 controller and gamecube
controller are to small for her since she almost 800 pound
damn why would anyone went weight that much she get off her
lazy butt and go to a gym  I  bet anything that when she eating
she drinking large diet coke

Offline GmanJoe

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Hooooo MOMMA!
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2003, 04:31:14 AM »
Originally posted by sabrina
how in the hell  can she play video games with out breaking
the game controller  like press the  little buttons she have a x-box
because controller is big  plus I think ps2 controller and gamecube
controller are to small for her since she almost 800 pound
damn why would anyone went weight that much she get off her
lazy butt and go to a gym  I  bet anything that when she eating
she drinking large diet coke

Diet coke! BWAHAHAH! Reminds me of these fat people that ordered all these food and asked for a diet coke. I guess they were on a diet. :p
\"Gee,  I dunno.  If I was a chick, I\'d probably want a kiss (or more) from Durst, too.\"--SineSwiper 9/23/03 (from another forum)
Originally posted by Seed_Of_Evil I must admit that the last pic of her ass will be used in my next masturbation. She\'s hot as hell, one of my


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