The 2004 list of words that should be banished for "misuse, overuse and general uselessness," according to Lake Superior State University:
_Metrosexual: An urban male who pays a great deal of attention to appearance.
_X: As in "X-Files," Xtreme, Windows XP (news - web sites) and X-Box.
_Punked: To dupe, popularized by the MTV show "Punk\'d."
_Place Stamp Here: Printed on return envelopes.
_Companion animals: Also known as pets.
_Bling or Bling-Bling: Flashy jewelry.
_LOL: E-mail speak for "laugh out loud."
_Embedded Journalist.
_Smoking Gun.
_Shock and Awe.
_Captured Alive.
_Shots Rang Out.
_Ripped From the Headlines.
_Sweat Like a Pig: The problem is pigs don\'t sweat.
_In Harm\'s Way.
_Hand-Crafted Latte.
_Sanitary Landfill: Also known as a dump.
Some people are in trouble