There\'s a dual carriageway through the centre of my town, it\'s a 40mph speed limit but everyone does 50, perfectly safe, never seen an accident on that road. Then they sneaked a few cameras in there, one of them behind a large road sign. I was riding along on the GPz500 at 50mph, in a straight line, half a mile from the next roundabout. I spotted the camera as I was alongside it, sudden reactions set in and I jammed on the brakes, the lovely new road surface thay\'d just put down turned out to be total shit and the bike went completely sideways, I managed to sort it after smacking my chest on the screen and struggling back onto the seat, AT 50MPH!!
Anyway, I was safe where I was, totally safe and the camera caused a reaction that could have really f*cked me. I see it day in day out, cameras for revenue and nothing more. Someone around Hemel Hempstead is now going around spraying the lenses with black paint!!!!