I´ve tried to translate it a bit... (I´m german, so it might not be the best one
Maybe politiepet can help = dutch
shell shock is for ps2, xbox and pc.
all espects of the vietnam war will be in the game
they are talking about the huge reaction that was caused by killzone and shell shock all over the world (via internet).
there are up to 25 diff heads and uniforms.
the 2 games took 4 years in development and cost 10 mio euro.
then they talk about the videogame industrie and that every game will make a profit of aprox. 100 mio euro.
you can earn more money with a videogame than with a movie. (!)
"the blonde" is testing the invluence of videogames on the worldwide culture at a university.
now for killzone:
there are 3 big rooms full of testers.
they test for 8 h / 5 days a week.
then they are talking about the hype of killzone and that they are doing all to come up with it !
back to shell shock:
a real orchestra was used.
and there are many hight quality sound effects.
they want to keep the talented and good programmers in the netherlands and don´t want to lose it to the US.
very hight potential for good games from the dutch gameing industrie.