okay, whenever i logged on, i automatically got this on my homepage. I try to change it to blank homepage, it doesn\'t work. I tried spybot, same thing. I wonder how to get rid of it, this is what the message said:
Detected SPYware! System error #384
Your IP address is _______________. Using this address a remote computer has gained anaccess to your computer and probably is collecting the information about the sites you\'ve visited and the files contained in the folder Temporary Internet Files. Attention! Ask for help or install the software for deleting secret information about the sites you visited.
Your computer is full of evidences!
ISP of transmission: O1
Your IP address: (can\'t show you)
They know you\'re using: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
Your computer is: Windows XP
Risk status for further investigation: VERY HIGH RISK
To protect from the Spyware - click here
To prevent information transmission - click here
To delete the history of your activity, click here
I am kinda skeptical about what it shows. I mean, it probably another one of the advertisement to buy one of their product.