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Author Topic: Top Ten favorite songs  (Read 647 times)

Offline square_marker
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Top Ten favorite songs
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2004, 05:33:47 PM »
no order

1.  Yellowcard - Avondale
2.  Tupac - Hail Mary
3.  Brand New - Jude Law and a Semester Abroad
4.  Offspring - All I Want
5.  Slick Shoes - Now\'s the Time
6.  311 - Omaha Stylee
7.  311 - Purpose
8.  Petey Pablo - Raise Up
9.  Boys Night Out - Victor vs the Victim
10.  Spineshank - Negative Space    

just songs that never leave my head... not really my favorites

[COLOR=\"Blue\"]I found you Ms. New Booty[/COLOR]


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