You made two remarks about gay people out of your few comments. You said that AIDS was targetted specifically at gays, mentioning no other groups, making it sound like it was a gay disease. You said yourself that you see how it could have sounded like that.
"I am sorry that you are a gay greek man with aids. Didn\'t mean to offend you. Or did I? BTW, Kiss my ass you pussy."
"I think you are an asshole, based on your beliefs"
You decide which sounds worse. The difference is I came off as insulting and critical, prolly too much so. That\'s true. However, at least my remarks didn\'t come off as racist or as offensive. That\'s where the difference is in my view. Plus, I\'m not only owning up to what I did, but I was willing to show people. I have nothing to hide here, and I\'m not ashamed of what I\'ve done. I admit some wrong doing, but you\'re admitting practically none. As a mod, I know I shouldn\'t do that to other members, and I won\'t, because I see that there was some wrong in that, and if I were a staff member that would be magnified. Tell me, if you\'re a mod and I\'m a normal member when that comment is made, do you respond the same way?
The only reason I even brought this up is because you said the advantage you had over all the other mods is how open minded you are. It doesn\'t even matter who is at fault here, even though I\'m still standing by the fact that what you did was worse...what matters is, there is no way you can make that sort of a claim with a history like that. This was a little over a year ago, not all that long. The idea that you would say you\'re the most open minded person here after you\'ve said stuff like that to me is not something I\'m gonna just let fly, even if it does mean exposing some of my own wrong doing.