there\'s no way weed is going to be legalized..the image is not socialbly correct..bare with me here i\'m struggling to find the right words

I mean you used to see marboro commercials on tv back in the now all you see are those "truth" commercials.
the image of someone getting lifted off a spliff is one that is not accepted by the general public...of course you have the rappers & most young cats glamorizing it,..yet would it look cool to see the pres. smokin\' a nice fat one? would it be cool to see jordan doing it?...nope.
but it is ok to see them with maybe a martini in their hand or some sort of umbrella drink. the general public will see them as "oh they\'re just casually drinking" and thus no negativity will be directed at them..even tho alcohol is bad for you i know..hopefully you get my point here.