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Originally posted by Coredweller It won\'t load for me.
RIAA Sues Amish Man for Illegal Whistling of Copyrighted Material 10/25/2003 - William Grim -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Millersburg, Ohio — The RIAA announced today that it is stepping up its campaign against copyright infringement and will now target persons who whistle or hum non-public domain songs without paying royalties. In its first test case, the RIAA is suing Levi Yoder, 52, of Millersburg, Ohio, an Amish farmer and father of 17 children. In its lawsuit filed in Holmes County Common Pleas Court, the RIAA alleges that “on or about July 26, 2003 Mr. Yoder was heard publicly whistling the copyrighted song ‘Jimmy Crack Corn’ during a horse auction at the Holmes County Fair Grounds. At no time did Mr. Yoder attempt to contact the lawful owner of said song’s copyright in order to pay royalties for the use of said copyrighted material. Mr. Yoder’s action constitutes a severe loss of revenue for the owners of said song’s copyright.” Attempts by this reporter to contact Mr. Yoder for his reaction to the lawsuit were unsuccessful since the Yoders do not have a telephone or electricity in their house. Legal experts, however, say that the RIAA does have a compelling case but that it will be hard to demonstrate that sales of CDs to the Amish have declined since there has never been a recorded sale of a CD to an Amish person in the first place. In related news, Amish elders today announced that they are investigating whether or not to banish Mr. Yoder from the Amish Church under the rule that prohibits all married Amish men from “consorting with demons, playing gin rummy, looking at women’s ankles with lustful intent and whistling tunes made popular by Burl Ives.”
Originally posted by Ashford You mean that stupid Pepsi commercial with that stupid girl with that stupid look, talking about her stupid claim to fame and making that stupid declaration while holding a stupid Pepsi?
Originally posted by PS2_-\'_\'-_PS2 No way is that real!
Originally posted by GmanJoe No.