I would definitely reccomend this monitor. I\'m loving it, it\'s waaaaay nicer than my Nec FP (which was a really high end CRT).
It was about 1000 CDN with tax (so 650 USD approx). I bought a 200 CDN (with tax) in-store warranty, so 3 light or dark dead pixels = automatic replacement with technology of the time within the next five years (also covers any elecronics problems, power surge, etc. etc.). The standard warranty on good LCDs is 3 years for electronics/defects (limited, of course), and with samsung (varies with every company) .0003% dead pixels = replacement, which is 13 dead pixels.
If that\'s too much, look at the 17" LCDs... because they actually measure the real image size on these (unlike CRTs), this 19" seems like it\'s waaaaay bigger (and it is) than my 19" CRT, so a 17" LCD will still look big, and a thin border model really helps that. Keep in mind that 17" LCDs will probably be running at 1024x768, and you will want to stick to the native resolution for best results....