I always wondered what BullShit_girl did to get such a warm response. Now I know.
Did she ever come back? I would like to get in on the piss-take. It\'s like one of those crazes you missed the first time round and you hope they will come back in just so you can give it a try yourself.
The only thing I remember about her, was a few weeks after I joined, I got a PM from her saying that with her help, I could come across as being as popular as her.
Basically, her proposal was this:
She would go round threads saying how great I was and was such a laugh, and I was a nice & fiendly person.
^^^^(not an ounce of bullshit in that, it was the gods-honest truth, I swear on my mums slightly good reputation)
If I knew how she really was, I wouldn\'t have replied to her saying "no thank you", I would have replied saying "Shut the f\'k up you sad fat little bint"