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Originally posted by SwifDi Both actually. Fountain coke tastes even more horrid. Coke doesn\'t taste too bad, its just got way too much sugar. I don\'t know how some people can drink even a "large" cup of McDonalds soda. Its got to be at least 3 cans.
Originally posted by Paul2 but keeping the weight under control will help your esteem like keeping your weight at a constan 185 lbs.
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip My Mcondals meal always consists of.10 Piece McNugget
Originally posted by Titan I went to BK today. I came home and thought my mom was going to have a heart attack. She\'s very religious and I just don\'t give a crap and think the whole don\'t eat meat thing is a joke. Well, I had a whopper and fries and drink and forgot it was lent. I thought she was going to scream me stupid.
Originally posted by THX He\'s got a point- Well I just think it\'s stupid the dman religious ppl say "Don\'t eat meat" but then they die anyway. Jesus was perfect sure, but humans aren\'t they should eat meat even though it\'s a sin