I know clips posted about jobs, but I have an issue I would like to address that is a bit different.
I work for an MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) which does the transportation planning for a certain area and works with State Department of Tranportation (DOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
Currently, ALDOT is in a 12 year court battle over a discrimination suit which was filed against it - whether it is valid I do not know, but basically they can only hire minorities as of this time and I don\'t have a problem with this. However, I do have a problem with ALDOT hiring non US citizens (no not Mexicans) to fill this quota. FHWA does this too and we have US citizens who are looking for employment yet our state, federal and even local governments are hiring NON US CITIZENS when they could be hiring US citizens (train them for Christ sake if they don\'t have the training)? This does not make sense and really pisses me off. I get a DOT representative who can\'t even speak English that well (once again this person is not Hispanic

) and it turns out this guy was given $600,000 by the DOT as part of their settlement in the discrimination suit. On top of it, he doesn\'t know what he is doing!!! We went to a training class and he was lost the whole time.
I am sorry if this is long and hard to follow - it just pisses me off that we have people in this country who need jobs and with a little training can do them and make a decent living - yet we import people from India, Africa and elsewhere to do the work that the average American with training could easily do and would do to make a quite nice living.
NOTE * If this sounds too much like a rant then move it over to rants and raves - I just felt it had to do with politics since I feel this situation is a result of liberal policy makers who think we should be providing jobs to every underpriviledged person other than a US citizen.