i just wondering if this method is affecting anybody or what is your total take on it. i keep up with current events And there\'s a staggering high amount of u.s. jobs being outsourced. there are literally thousands of u.s. jobs being taken overseas..in both the manufacturing sector & technology sector. And to this date no-one from either the democratic side or repub. side have done anything to challenge this.
Companies concede to this harsh act for the sake of saving billions of dollars. But then complain when nobody is buying they\'re products (people can\'t buy things when they have no job).
And these jobs mostly go to 3rd world countries or up & coming countries..Even jobs within the technology sector ie..programmers,engineers etc..alot of those people from those countries come to america just to get that superior education in that field..not anymore just layoff that programmer & send his work to joe blow in (whatever country) & pay him less money too.
Sadly i\'am being faced with this dilima

they want to replace our dept with a company that has employees doing our job..but they (Our company) would pay the outsourcing company a fee and that\'s it..meaning they would not have to pay for our benefits anymore etc etc...nothing is final yet..they say that they are just looking into it..whatever..i\'ve been here 15 years & i just want to quit but doing so would forfeit a very nice package i would get when i got laid off..
so they kinda have us on a string until they make a final decision.It\'s crazy because everybody here thought our jobs was safe because we make sure the computer systems for all our world branches run smoothly,.. in a nutshell..if our computer system goes down in our data center..then the data ctr in our japan office or london office may go down..so you see we are the central core or like the main cpu for all of our branches across the world. i know i\'m ranting but i would also like to know your take on this and if you or anybody you know have been affected by this.
ps: a couple of friends of mine who were let go about a year ago were programmers, and have stated it took them close to a year to find another job. I say that cause i feel i can get another job if i\'m laid off,..but i figure if you\'re a programmer or at least a decent one,you should be able to find a job within a short amount of time. just goes to show how dire the situation is in the u.s. It\'s a shame how execs want to cut jobs so they can have EVEN more money in thier pocket,..but ask them to give up those million dollar bonuses each year..nope that is not even an issue.