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Author Topic: PC Gaming ~ what\'s next  (Read 670 times)

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PC Gaming ~ what\'s next
« on: March 18, 2004, 11:33:47 AM »
Anyone who has been keeping up with PC gaming news knows that NAMCO is publishing Flagship Studio’s first PC game (http://www.flagshipstudios.com/).  But I would be impressed if anyone has any clue as to what kind of game are they going to put out.  Flagship’s founders created the Diablo series when they were with Blizzard, so I assume it will be a similar style of game.  The only things I can tell for sure is that it will be on PC, it will be online and it will be a sci-fi premise.  So how will this online play be different?  But it begs the question: Where can online PC gaming go from here?  What kind of changes can and should be made?  What types on PC gaming concepts are on your wish list?

  • Guest
PC Gaming ~ what\'s next
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2004, 12:23:28 PM »
This is one of the concept art pictures from this new Flagship/NAMCO project:                     
This is a big deal, when you consider the significance of these two companies.  I wish they\'d just come out and say what type of game this is going to be. It\'s driving me crazy...                     

Actually I was able to find a couple more:                     


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