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Author Topic: Toxical, read this.  (Read 490 times)

Offline Luke
  • Russian Guyovich
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Toxical, read this.
« on: April 27, 2004, 02:54:21 PM »
I woulda just Pm\'d this to you, but your box was full.

Your posting ability for CE will be taken away for a week.

I don\'t really know what your deal is, or how old you are, but go and read the first thread in CE. It states...

"Keep things civil in here. Blatant insults directed at others for any reason won\'t be tolerated."

Whatever problem you have with Giga, take it up with him in PM\'s. We don\'t need anymore stupid name-calling in this forum.

If you can come back, act civil and... this is key...

Stop having every other post of yours being insulting, crude backlashes to whoever disputed what you said, we will be happy to have you back.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2004, 02:56:52 PM by Luke »


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