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Author Topic: Your favorite music SUCKS!!!  (Read 3567 times)

Offline Viper_Fujax

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Your favorite music SUCKS!!!
« Reply #90 on: April 03, 2004, 08:59:14 AM »
yea, i didnt go in depth on that. I just meant that theyve been doing the masks and weird stuff since 1997 (something like that) and they arent changing because of how people view them..but yea they are human so they most likely pay attention to what everyone thinks about them. They made it this far, so all they have to do is laugh in the faces of people who put them down or critisize them.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2004, 09:00:24 AM by Viper_Fujax »
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Offline Knotter8
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Your favorite music SUCKS!!!
« Reply #91 on: April 03, 2004, 09:57:42 AM »
:) I didn\'t mean to attack you Shockwaves. I was only trying to put some of my arguments in there on why I like them and why
I do not agree with how alot of ppl try to portray Slipknot as just,

My own musical history is a \'strange\' one actually. In my childhood my folks played alot of blues and classical, but also other stuff. Muddy Waters, Creedence Clearwater etc.
Highschool years were musically the worst for me I guess,
back in 1991 - 1994. Here in Europe it was either Grunge or
House ; didn\'t really like either of them. Then in 1999/2000
I found Slipknot and I got hooked on it.

Btw, I think Slipknot had the dress up stuff from start in 1995, when Anders Colsefini was still in there. The organized jumpsuits
and masks came in just after MFKR I believe. Not sure though.
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Your favorite music SUCKS!!!
« Reply #92 on: April 03, 2004, 12:15:39 PM »
I see...

Im not saying that they are bad by calling them "pussy metal." I was just using the term because it was the first thing that came to mind. That and its a little softer than what many would consider METAL. And despite any of their influences ,or anybody\'s influences for that matter, that doesnt mean that they cant make decent music. Rap/hip hop and rock/metal do not cancel eachother out making crappy music (im just adding that because some people believe that to be true).

I guess it all depends on where your interests or tastes are. And i did say before how i dont like how people try to categorize everything into a million and one genres. Its pretty silly. If i had a band that made a jazz song and say....  the rest of the cd was ful of metal songs, then people might try to lable me as Pussy rock too despite how good we were at making metal. Its all garbage (people categorizing everything).

Meh, i feel like im jabbering on now. Most of you get my point anyway.
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
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Offline shockwaves
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Your favorite music SUCKS!!!
« Reply #93 on: April 03, 2004, 07:07:19 PM »
Originally posted by Viper_Fujax
they have 4 guys who can run around at will (dj, vocals, 2 percussionists). Do u want them to just stand there and headbang? hell no thatd be boring. So they do some crazy stuff for the fans. Its like..being somewhere where people dont like you and then being critisized for how you act and being told "nonnono..metal heads only headbang." They want to be different and believe it or not..they are pretty crazy so they most likely enjoy doing weird stuff on stage (and some of the weird stuff you hear are rumors). They dont care about their image to mainstream, and they dont care about looking like freaks to people who dont like metal. Plus in the end, no matter what its all about the money..this is their job, and iv seen very few guys that like slipknot and want to see them live and just be like a normal metal band.

As for their sound its impossible to argue. We have different views on it. I see their stuff as really heavy, some as fast, some softer like wait and bleed and left behind but their still kick ass songs (minding wait and bleed being murdered by people who dont like slipknot except for that song)

Ok, one thing at a time here.  I did not say that the fact that they run around and don\'t just headbang has anything to do with the perception of their band, because it doesn\'t.  And if you think all metal bands do is headbang, then I\'d guess you prolly haven\'t seen many metal bands.  As for adding in other entertaining elements for the fans, there are plenty of metal bands that do that MUCH more so than Slipknot.  An example would be Cradle of Filth.  So yeah, once again, stop making those assumptions :)

And they don\'t care about their image?  Of course they care about their image.  The whole masks thing is part of that, it\'s just a gimmick, something to get them noticed.  And you\'re right, they are more concerned about money than anything else.  That is not true for many metal bands (otherwise why would they ever tour in the US? :p).  I don\'t think money should dictate your style.

And as for the musical style, I\'m not saying anything about how good it sounds or how varied it is.  That\'s a matter of opinion.  I\'m talking about how complex the music actually is.  If someone who can play guitar tries to play a slipknot song vs. another metal song, I feel the Slipknot song would probably be a lot easier to play, because they don\'t have many difficult parts to their music.

Offline shockwaves
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Your favorite music SUCKS!!!
« Reply #94 on: April 03, 2004, 07:11:12 PM »
Originally posted by Knotter8
:) I didn\'t mean to attack you Shockwaves. I was only trying to put some of my arguments in there on why I like them and why
I do not agree with how alot of ppl try to portray Slipknot as just,

My own musical history is a \'strange\' one actually. In my childhood my folks played alot of blues and classical, but also other stuff. Muddy Waters, Creedence Clearwater etc.
Highschool years were musically the worst for me I guess,
back in 1991 - 1994. Here in Europe it was either Grunge or
House ; didn\'t really like either of them. Then in 1999/2000
I found Slipknot and I got hooked on it.

Btw, I think Slipknot had the dress up stuff from start in 1995, when Anders Colsefini was still in there. The organized jumpsuits
and masks came in just after MFKR I believe. Not sure though.

:) no problem man.  I might have come off like I was pissed when I posted, but I\'m not sure why.  I wasn\'t.  And hey, it\'s cool if you like Slipknot.  I\'m not arguing against anyone\'s taste here.  I\'m just trying to explain why I\'d call them Nu-Metal, and trying to explain why most metal heads don\'t like them.  If you do, I have no prollem with that.  I personally don\'t really have much of a problem with them, truth be told.


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