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Author Topic: Blair... "I have no reverse gear" yeah but you can do a mean U turn  (Read 646 times)

Offline ooseven
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Whhhhooooooooooaaaoooo Tony.

Didn\'t anyone tell you that trying to pull a handbrake turn at 180 MPH isn\'t the smartest thing to do.


Blair to make EU poll statement
British MPs will have two years to approve the constitution
Tony Blair will now make the statement to MPs on Tuesday about a possible referendum on the planned EU constitution, Number 10 has said.

British voters look set to get a vote on the issue in what is being seen as a major U-turn by the prime minister.

linky poo\'s

Lets hope THIS WILL be the end of his career.

/me gets the BEER READY !
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Offline Toxical
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Blair... "I have no reverse gear" yeah but you can do a mean U turn
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2004, 10:41:48 PM »
Blair is like Bush\'s lapdog... man England has fallen low with this guy leading it.


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