Marijuana legal?! Ha, yeah and then pigs will fly.
I\'m not making the choice for anybody. They can get high and crap on their own pants for all I give a damn. You people just don\'t realize that for every God damn joint you assholes buy, there is some God damn ****ing drug dealer selling even harder shit on some other kid who doesn\'t know what the **** he is getting into. The next day, the dude is dead from a damn overdose of heroin. And all because you gave the damn money to "enjoy" life that allowed the drug dealer to afford the more expensive heroin that sold it to that kid. If marijuana was to be legalized then so would crack, cocain, heroin and all that other bullshit people need to feel like their worth something on this earth.
You can puff and light up all the weed you want. You just don\'t realize the shit that you are causing. Using a plant to feel better about yourself. Please why don\'t you actually excercise and look better. You call Swifdi somebody who sits on their ass all day. Please I would be surprised if your lungs could take you walking to your damn restroom to smoke another joint so your mom won\'t see it.
And you know what else is annoying? Those damn pot heads who talk and talk about how they get high every damn day. And then argue that it isn\'t bad for you. Yeah, make sure you put that in writing so that your family can read it on your dead bed after you crash into a tree at 80 mph because you were too busy rolling a joint that you desperately need because your girlfriend just dumped you for somebody that actually feels good about themselves without smoking pot.