For budget cards (<$100):
Lifeview Flyvideo 3000. Uses the popular Philips SAA7130 chipset that has been the budget chip of choice for close to a year now. S-video quality arguably the best for under $100, and no noise. I have the 2000 model, which doesn\'t have stereo capability from an antenna, but doesn\'t matter to me since all I use is the S-video input.
WinTV Hauppauge PVR-250 + SageTV combo. Top notch quality for NTSC broadcasts. Punchy colors, no noise, and user-friendly. Can be bought without SageTV but this software is perfect for PVR\'ing and can even control an outboard cable box/VCR.
If you have a slower CPU or would like to be doing other things on your computer while you\'re capturing consider the PVR-350 which uses hardware encoding (your main CPU isn\'t doing any work during capturing), buut it\'s about $100 extra.