Originally posted by Avatarr
I\'ll tell you how they got along, THEY LET PEOPLE DIE! That\'s how.
You\'ve got it wrong mate. The days before pagers, cellphones and all other manner of instant communications were also the days before corporate consolidation of hospitals and the expansion of HMOs. Hospitals planned to have sufficient trained staff on hand to handle emergencies, rather than calling in doctors on a moment\'s notice. When shareholder value became more important than lifesaving to healthcare organizations, that was when costcutting measures like these began to look very pleasant indeed.
Honestly, hypothetical scenarios like doctors watching movies bore me to tears. I\'m supposed to put up with 2-3 dimwits answering their cellphones to relate the plot of the movie, just on the rare chance that a doctor might be called to an emergency? You can shove that argument. :surprised