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Author Topic: Apology to this Forum  (Read 591 times)

Offline Toxical
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Apology to this Forum
« on: April 26, 2004, 02:21:56 PM »
I was going to stay away from this forum for one year, but I decide to break my promise.

No point staying away and letting ignorant pubescent wimps  run wild…

1) I had an opinion, I expressed it, I got attacked/flamed for it, so  I defended myself, and what do the Mods and other “intelligent” :rolleyes:  posters on this board do? They close their eyes and blame me for instigating something? Like what? My opinion ?  

2) If there is no freedom of speech on this “Political forum” why have it up in the first place? Where is the logic of having this forum up?  SO the closed minded can post one side of something?

3) There are a lot more Non-Americans on this planet that do not share “Americanized” points of  views, and you people should learn to live with it, and appreciate someone else’s opinion, even though it might make your panties wet with fear.

4) Young ignorant children shouldn’t point fingers and be abusive to others ;) Some of you have your Pro-Bush views, and if anyone says anything to the contrary you result to name-calling and goading someone to start flaming.  Look in the mirror, and you know who you are.

Shame on you people you should check yourself before you play yourself ….   :jack:

I’m still waiting for my apology from all you jackasses…. Time is ticking…..  I wish there were 10 more people like me on this forum, maybe it wouldn’t’ be so dead all the time.

Offline Luke
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Apology to this Forum
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2004, 02:33:28 PM »
Dude, you really think anybody is gonna apologize to you to keep you from leaving?

Did I read that right?

Offline Toxical
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Apology to this Forum
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2004, 02:35:44 PM »
Nope, you read it wrong Luke.
I do not require anyones permision to leave or to stay.

If you guys feel like it you can ban me though... that is always an option.

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« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2004, 02:36:33 PM »
I\'m still confused...

Who\'s apologizing to who now?

Offline Toxical
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Apology to this Forum
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2004, 02:47:21 PM »
Man i have no idea what you want me to tell you Luke, if you think everything is peachy on this board, then hey, more power to ya.

Offline GigaShadow
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Apology to this Forum
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2004, 03:15:22 PM »
You come into this forum for the first time and think you know what goes on here. :rolleyes:

This is not only a political forum - and if it was you would have been gone after your first half dozen posts.  You have no idea on how to debate - insulting another is not a debate - it makes you sound like an immature raving lunatic.

Shockwaves already told you that you were antagonistic with your posts and I agree.  You obviously don\'t know how to express your "opinion" in a tactful manner.

Freedom of speech here?  This is a private forum and you just like everyone else is subject to its rules.  Your excessive use of profanity accompanied by your insults will not be tolerated.

We have many non Americans that come to this forum.  Sweden, the UK, Australia and Bahrain are just a few of the examples.

Who knows what your true age is, but the only one acting like a child is you.  Being polite and tolerant has nothing to do with your political affiliation.  It has do with common courtesy - which you lack.

Lastly, what is with the lame quotes "check yourself before you play yourself"?    

:laughing: You have to be kidding...

Unless you learn to play by the rules and show the other members of this forum respect your days will be numbered.  You have been warned once already...
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Offline Luke
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Apology to this Forum
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2004, 03:16:27 PM »
I don\'t understand the meaning of this thread.

Here, check this out....

From now on make your points/views be known without being a complete, insulting prick and everything will be fine.

And clean up your potty mouth.

Case closed.


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