Look i am not in anyway English... but if i was... BOY would i be pissed off right now.
Warning for flying-flag drivers
Patriotic motorists wanting to fly the St George\'s flag during Euro 2004 have been warned they may face trouble if the emblems are not safely displayed.
The run-up to the showpiece football tournament has seen a spate of drivers in England proudly displaying their national flag from windows and car ariels.
Leading supermarkets have estimated that they have sold more than 100,000 flags to England fans.
Sainsbury\'s is selling an England supporters\' pack which includes a car flag and an England bumper sticker.
But police and motoring organisations are worried that flags carried on some vehicles could put cyclists and pedestrians at risk, as well as the drivers themselves, if they are too large or badly positioned.
The AA points out that police can fine drivers £2,500 and impose three penalty points if a flag is deemed to obscure the vision of the driver.
Supt Neil Haynes, of the Metropolitan Police, said: "We\'re not in the business of trying to destroy anybody\'s fun.
"But we\'ve got to make sure that individual car occupants and other road users are safe."
Road safety my @rse... members of the police force are now saying that its noting to do with road safety as most motorists put flag on there cars safely.
The even extends to flags outside houses and other public areas...
there is even accounts of NEW LABOUR councilers walking into LONDON markets and telling stall owners to take down the St George\'s flag because it might "cause offence".
Who would be offended ?
its your NATIONAL flag
This is Political correctness GONE MAD !
As a sign of my solidarity with my English friends I will be flying both a St George\'s & Union Jack herein Scotland…
Bloody Blair and his Political correct brigade is to blame for this YET again..
BLAIR and these PC loons MUST GO !