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Author Topic: Booooooooooo! (Baseball realated)  (Read 986 times)

Offline Jumpman

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Booooooooooo! (Baseball related)
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2004, 11:47:23 AM »
The tangled web of sports and advertising...

MLB caught up in Spiderman ads..

Omg hire a new pun maker espn.

Anyways, they\'re probably just doing this to cover the salaries of the players who keep asking for 10 mill+ a year. What\'s the alternative? Nvm I read up and vid already made the suggestion. I have nothing to add /spam.
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Offline ROL Jamas
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Booooooooooo! (Baseball related)
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2004, 12:21:22 PM »

Being that the Owners pay the salaries, I find it really interesting that you feel that advertisements on the bases during Interleague games are actually going to help pay for salaries. Couldn\'t be farther from the truth, but that\'s fine.

If the entire Major Leagues are doing this, why would they go to individual salaries? That makes sense.

See Yuz.
What do Kerry Wood, Mark Prior, Matt Clement, and Carlos Zambrano have in common?

They\'re the pieces to the next great pitching rotation of our time, what else?


Offline Luke
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Booooooooooo! (Baseball related)
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2004, 01:09:15 PM »
Some people just have something against baseball.


Offline Black Samurai
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Booooooooooo! (Baseball related)
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2004, 05:42:02 PM »
Following heavy criticism, Major League Baseball has reversed its field and will not put a Spider-Man logo on the bases during games next month. However, the logo will still appear on the on-deck circle.

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Offline Luke
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Booooooooooo! (Baseball related)
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2004, 05:48:21 PM »
I kinda figured that would happen.

Offline videoholic

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Booooooooooo! (Baseball related)
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2004, 06:23:30 PM »
Originally posted by ROL Jamas

Being that the Owners pay the salaries, I find it really interesting that you feel that advertisements on the bases during Interleague games are actually going to help pay for salaries. Couldn\'t be farther from the truth, but that\'s fine.

If the entire Major Leagues are doing this, why would they go to individual salaries? That makes sense.

See Yuz.

So I guess the networks don\'t pay MLB for rights to air games in your world.  nice...
I wear a necklace now because I like to know when I\'m upside down.
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Booooooooooo! (Baseball related)
« Reply #21 on: May 06, 2004, 07:32:42 PM »
Originally posted by videoholic
So I guess the networks don\'t pay MLB for rights to air games in your world.  nice...

MLB doesn\'t equal Owners, bud...the Owners pay the salaries, unless you play for the Montreal Expos, that is.

See Yuz.
What do Kerry Wood, Mark Prior, Matt Clement, and Carlos Zambrano have in common?

They\'re the pieces to the next great pitching rotation of our time, what else?


Offline shockwaves
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Booooooooooo! (Baseball related)
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2004, 10:26:53 PM »
In which case all the owners pay your salaries.

TV revenue doesn\'t go to major league baseball, it goes to the owners of the teams playing those specific games.  That is one of the main causes for differences in revenue between a team like the Yankees and a team in a smaller market, the TV deals.  Money that goes to MLB in general, and not the owners, would not be used to pay player salaries, but more likely in promotion of the game or related areas.

Offline videoholic

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Booooooooooo! (Baseball related)
« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2004, 03:37:24 AM »
Money from the major networks (Fox) goes to all teams. Money from regional contracts go to the individual teams.  That is why the Yankees have such a huge advantage.  They can charge out the ying yang for their local contract because they are broadcasting to millions more people than the Devil Rays are.  As a matter of fact, the Devil Rays didn\'t receive any money from the national TV contract until I think it was last year or the year before.  THey were at a huge dissadvantage since they didn\'t have the start-up financial backing Arizona had.  Freaking stingy owners.

Owners pay the salaries, well um, no freaking shit.  But how do they get money to pay the salaries?  You think George Steinbrenner pays A Rod with money he makes from being the CEO of the FLorida State Fair?  I have a feeling he probably doesn\'t.  More than likely he pays him with money he makes from advertising he makes from his TV contracts.  He also makes money from people in the seats, but that correlates with advertising too since it\'s not like they put logos on the fences for free.

Hmm, that brings up a good point.  If they put a spiderman logo on the fence, the batter warm up area or the video sign board it\'s ok, but the bag is off limits?
I wear a necklace now because I like to know when I\'m upside down.
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Offline ooseven
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Booooooooooo! (Baseball related)
« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2004, 06:13:01 AM »
Originally posted by mm

uniforms are next

What like French maids.... Nauthy nurse... and Police "woman" uniforms ?


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Offline Black Samurai
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Booooooooooo! (Baseball related)
« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2004, 06:43:19 AM »
Originally posted by videoholic
Money from the major networks (Fox) goes to all teams. Money from regional contracts go to the individual teams.  That is why the Yankees have such a huge advantage.  They can charge out the ying yang for their local contract because they are broadcasting to millions more people than the Devil Rays are.  As a matter of fact, the Devil Rays didn\'t receive any money from the national TV contract until I think it was last year or the year before.  THey were at a huge dissadvantage since they didn\'t have the start-up financial backing Arizona had.  Freaking stingy owners.

Owners pay the salaries, well um, no freaking shit.  But how do they get money to pay the salaries?  You think George Steinbrenner pays A Rod with money he makes from being the CEO of the FLorida State Fair?  I have a feeling he probably doesn\'t.  More than likely he pays him with money he makes from advertising he makes from his TV contracts.  He also makes money from people in the seats, but that correlates with advertising too since it\'s not like they put logos on the fences for free.

Hmm, that brings up a good point.  If they put a spiderman logo on the fence, the batter warm up area or the video sign board it\'s ok, but the bag is off limits?
You are exactly right about the first part.

The second part(ads on the bag) is more about trying to keep the ads off the field of play. We all know that they are a necessary evil in sports we just don\'t want to see them on the actual field while the game is going on.

BTW, A lot of people forget that back in the day ads in stadiums were 10x worse than they are now.
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Offline videoholic

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Booooooooooo! (Baseball related)
« Reply #26 on: May 07, 2004, 07:38:48 AM »
GO to any minor league or spring training ball field and all you see are ads on the fence.  Heck, they are even going down the sides of the fields now.  I just don\'t see what the big deal is with the bases too.  

Although personally if I was an advertiser, I wouldn\'t want my logo stepped on like on a bag.
I wear a necklace now because I like to know when I\'m upside down.
 kopking: \"i really think that i how that guy os on he weekend\"
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Offline mjps21983
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Booooooooooo! (Baseball related)
« Reply #27 on: May 07, 2004, 01:31:41 PM »
They are backpeddaling now and the logo\'s won\'t be on the bases.

Offline ROL Jamas
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Booooooooooo! (Baseball related)
« Reply #28 on: May 07, 2004, 06:46:49 PM »
Originally posted by mjps21983
They are backpeddaling now and the logo\'s won\'t be on the bases.

A day late :-P

See Yuz.
What do Kerry Wood, Mark Prior, Matt Clement, and Carlos Zambrano have in common?

They\'re the pieces to the next great pitching rotation of our time, what else?


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Booooooooooo! (Baseball related)
« Reply #29 on: May 08, 2004, 08:47:24 AM »
I posted it yesterday dingle berry, I just didn\'t bother to read down, sorry


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