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Author Topic: Xbox 2: The Raw Facts  (Read 851 times)

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Xbox 2: The Raw Facts
« on: May 07, 2004, 09:17:58 PM »


Over the past few weeks, it seems the world has been bombarded with conflicting press releases and announcements concerning the next console from Microsoft. We have put together this article that contains 100% confirmed official details on the Xbox 2 to help everyone understand the raw power of this machine.
The Partnerships:

Partnerships are looking to be a clear display of Microsofts power. We take a look at the 3 biggest so far and tell you what exactly they mean for us gamers.

ATI are taking over from Nvidia, being one of the two Graphic card creating giants this is not a bad thing, and will be creating the Graphic card’s that will go into the Xbox 2. The new chip from ATI is aimed to be much faster then it’s up coming R420 chips for the PC.
Which will be great for gamers because this will mean very polished and great looking graphics. Just imagine Doom 3, Half Life 2 and Far Cry, on steroids.

IBM are talking over from Intel, so we are going to have 3 IBM 64 – bit microprocessors in our Xbox 2’s, earlier versions of these chips are used in the G5 Power Mac systems which are high spec Apple Macs.
What this means is power, and lots of it, one of these chips will be good for a high spec PC, but 3, just imagine it. These will make our gorgeous games run lag free and smooth like silk.

TSMC is the largest semiconductor foundry in the world, manufacturing semiconductors for all its customers in a wide range of high-end markets. TSMC will manufacture system-on-chip (SOC) semiconductors for future versions of Microsoft\'s Xbox console. SOCs are highly specialized chips that integrate multiple electronic components required for a product on a single piece of silicon. The SOCs will be created by TSMC, using its Nexsys technology. Nexsys is the name that TSMC has given to its most advanced process technologies, including the 90-nanometer process that is currently in pilot production and its 65-nanometer process, which is still in development.
Not to sure what this means yet though because we don’t know what nanometer process the Xbox 2 will go for, but if it was to use the 65-nanometer process, it would match the technology that Sony plans to use for production of its Cell microprocessor in its PS3.

"Software will be the single most important force in digital entertainment over the next decade. XNA underscores Microsoft\'s commitment to the game industry and our desire to work with partners to take the industry to the next level."
  - Bill Gates, founder and chief software architect of Microsoft

At 10:30 on Wednesday March 24th, Robbie Bach and J Allerd displayed XNA at the Games Developers Conference in San Jose.

The Press Release:
“XNA is the catalyst for a new ecosystem of interchangeable, interoperable software tools and technologies from Microsoft, middleware and game development companies.”

What XNA actually is:
XNA is essentially a next generation development tool, which allows developers to create stunning Xbox 2 titles with ease using revolutionary new features whilst saving money along the way.

At the GDC, Microsoft demonstrated some astounding demos to showcase the power that comes with XNA, they are as follows.

Film Noir:

This demo, created by Microsoft’s very own in-house development teams showcased how XNA can cope with ambience and highly-detailed environments. Displaying a young woman waiting at a table while her cigarette burns away in an ashtray beside her, demonstrating some of the most realistic real-time facial expressions we have ever seen in a game.

Download the Film Noir demo now:


Created by Pseudo Interactive, Crash was incredible. The thought of smashing the shiniest car we have ever seen at a wall at 300mph and watching it crumple like a coke can is unbelievable. Displaying the most realistic crash physics and damage system we have ever seen, we can’t wait to see these crashes being pulled off in the next Gotham or Rallisport!

Download the Crash demo now:


The final demo was created by High Voltage Software and displayed how imaginative and intricately detailed characters are possible on the XNA technology. Following a white gorilla that morphed into a big fat reptile with flowing muscle tissue that then transformed into a cute armadillo-type animal with full-blown glorious hair was impressive. All in real-time, these creatures are something you would expect from the next Rare game.

Download the Xenomorph demo now:

Overall, XNA is going to revolutionise gaming. By allowing developers to create stunning looking games and more technical gameplay will make videogames sales fly through the roof while keeping development time and expenses to an all time low. Surely that has to mean something!?

Get more here!
G.R.A.W 2
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Xbox 2: The Raw Facts
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2004, 09:27:03 PM »
anyone remember the pics that we saw before the PS2 came out that showed the power of that console?  Pretty similar.

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Xbox 2: The Raw Facts
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2004, 09:45:53 PM »
Well at least I\'m glad they\'re making it something you can\'t get for PC.  3 IBM 64-bit cpus.. jeez.

All I can say is Halo 3 better be 60fps with split screen. ;)

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Xbox 2: The Raw Facts
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2004, 11:47:48 PM »
Its good to put all that power into a console so they dont have to play catch-up for too long with their pc counterparts. 3 IBM 64\'s is nuts. I wouldnt be surprised if it cost a fortune. Of course it cant and probably wont.

Damnit. All this talk and Not as much about PS3. We had one silly demo -ish thing that didnt really represend what it would do. Of course this doesnt showcase the power of XB2 but after reading this, i feel the need to indulge in Sony propaganda. j/k
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
Yessir massir ima f*** you up reeeeal nice and homely like. uh huh, yessum ; ).
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Xbox 2: The Raw Facts
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2004, 12:42:08 AM »
What the heck is that Xenomorph thing? A big, furry version of the pink demon model from Doom III? :)
What is up, buttercup? Down is the new up.


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