We used to talk about this in highschool. First time I have heard of it being pulled off.
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=816&e=4&u=/ap/20040518/ap_on_fe_st/porn_announcement Strange News - AP
Porn Switched With School\'s Announcement
Tue May 18, 1:10 PM ET Add Strange News - AP to My Yahoo!
CHAMBLEE, Ga. - Some Chamblee High School students expecting to see the usual morning announcements instead glimpsed a hard-core prank Tuesday morning.
School administrators were trying to determine who swapped a pornographic videotape for the school announcements tape, sending the images out to several classrooms.
"Our children in our news class do a tape each morning of the Chamblee morning news, and they bring it to the media center, and our media center specialist puts it into the machine," said assistant principal Becky Chambers.
Before the program is broadcast, the media specialist leaves the media center and goes to the main office, to turn on an audio feed to two or three places in the high school that do not have closed-circuit televisions, Chambers said.
"In the seconds that it took her to walk out of her office and head up the hall, some student — we don\'t know who — took the tape out of the machine and inserted a very inappropriate tape," Chambers said.
"A couple of the classrooms — fortunately not all of them had it on — got a very inappropriate feed for a matter of some seconds before a teacher could fly up here and alert us and we could fly back down the hall and pull the tape out," she said.
One parent who complained characterized the tape as hard-core pornography, but Chambers said she didn\'t view the tape and couldn\'t confirm its contents. Administrators were watching security camera tapes to try to determine who made the switch.
Chambers said that with this being the last week of school, a senior prank "would be my best guess at this point."