Yah, gotta agree with Mike Patton. He deserves a reward, \'cos he\'s the best fuck that I ever had. And if he tightens up his hole, you may never see the light again.
Meanwhile, I saw Disturbed live a while ago. A friend asked me to go, so I did, despite never being that big of a fan. I thought it was good at the time, but after seeing RH and APC, they seem like wannabes.
Vivi, do you like Radiohead? For mine, they were so unbelievable. Every song was better than the last (There, there. and Idioteque were probably the two highlights). Plus the entire crowd just hung off of everything Thom Yorke did. He was dancing around, playing with the cameras mounted around the stage (and on the piano [there were a couple of screens on either side of the stage]). Talk about an eccentric lead, it was hysterical. Plus every song sounded perfect. Except Paranoid Android, they changed the line from "What\'s thiiiiis?" to "What\'s thaaat?", and it just didn\'t sound the same.