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Author Topic: Might as well since im obsessed: Slipknot Review  (Read 675 times)

Offline Viper_Fujax

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Might as well since im obsessed: Slipknot Review
« on: May 25, 2004, 10:27:57 PM »
Vol 3: The Subliminal Verses
I think the album kicks @ss, and im bored, so ill do a review. A lot of people dislike them, but this album the guitars break out of their normal riffs (even though some songs have them, but thats slipknot). The sampler is a lot more noticeable, and if you disliked the vocals in the first couple albums you might like the change. Plus the 2 percussionists also sing. The album as a whole is a lot more melodic than usual.

1- Prelude 3.0: Slow, eerie, and repetetive. But it grew on me after listening to it. Has a slow Marilyn Manson feel to it.

2-The Blister Exists: Could be the best song on the album. Sounds more like something on Iowa, but the singer throws in a bridge where he sings. Has a percussion solo. Good riffs on the guitar.

3- Three Nil: Basically the same as Blister Exists but not as good. But still a good song, minding the one part that repeats too many times.

4- Duality: The "Wait and Bleed" of the album. Good song.

5- Opium of the People: Sounds like system of a down (guitars and the beat he sings). Another song that could be considered the best on the album.

6- Circle: SUPRISE! a fricken acuistic song. I think its awesome, but kind of a random throw in since its in the middle of some heavier songs. Shows the diversity in the singer if you havent heard him sing \'Bother\'. There also symphony in it.

7- Welcome: Heavy, weird beat. Good drums in the beginning. Probably near the bottom of the favorites list.

8- Vermilion: Slow at the beginning and picks up speed near the end with good singing. Good entrance into the next song. Good vocals. Sampler can be heard inside of it

9- Pulse of the Maggots: guitars are a lot like old slipknot. Good song. Might get complaints about nu-metal, but i like it.

10- Before I forget: Good vocals and a top song on the cd. Catchy chorus. The two vocalists singing right after eachother makes the song good.

11- Vermilion, Pt.2: Yet another acuistic song. Its good, but i think Circle is better. Lyrics go along with the first Vermilion

12- The Nameless: Awesome song. But it has a random part in it that is acuistic and singing. You get used to it after listening to it a couple times.

13/14: Virus of Life/ Danger: Weird sounds, slow. Probably wont listen to these that much.

Overall its awesome. Im not going to give it a rating, or compare it to the other albums. Theres singing, heavy, and the closest thing you have to the "nu-metal rap" is the mumbling that is in Duality. But i think this album they broke out of their shells. And if you like slipknot, dont go in expecting Iowa. If you hate slipknot, dont go in expecting what you think about them. Its a totally different sound, and shows how they matured. Theres even some guitar solos. Maybe DL a couple songs before buying it, if you decide to. Anyway, i know most dont like them, but whatever. I was bored and i think its an awesome cd.

PS. When i say good vocals, its an huge understatement. I just dont want to say \'awesome\' every time
« Last Edit: May 25, 2004, 10:35:53 PM by Viper_Fujax »
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Might as well since im obsessed: Slipknot Review
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2004, 11:23:09 AM »
Hey there :) , the other \'Knot fan on this board. Nice, and most importantly, honest review.

Yes, I too was eagerly awaiting this album. Even though I knew already of the \'changes\' , from browsing forum talk (due to the web leakage of the album), this new Knot disc took me about a day to get used to. Here\'s my version of the story (after ALOT of listen throughs) with very strict scoring ;

1- Prelude 3.0: This has a funk rock feeling. The story of the lyrics is a bit of a sad one ; a missed (true) love opportunity ( ? ) Corey only screams the \'NO !\' at the end, but keeps it functional and it doesn\'t go out of bound. 8,8 out of 10

2-The Blister Exists: The new "Eyeless" ? Not my fav song, but it\'s very good, very crunching. The marching snare drums kick ass. 8,3 out of 10

3- Three Nil: Now this is MY fav song on Vol.3 Imho it\'s the new "Surfacing", the new National Ff-ing Athem. Yes I know this is kinda rap metal, but THIS song does it the way it\'s meant 2B. Rick Rubin\'s influence is definately in here. I love Sid\'s hissing scratch work on this one. 10 out of 10

4- Duality: The "Wait and Bleed" of the album. Good song. It kind of irritates me that my friends and ppl I know who are not that much into Slipknot, think this is the best song of Vol.3 Blame MTV and the likes for the videoclip airtime it gets :p  7,5 out of 10

5- Opium of the People: This is a weird one imo. It starts of great with that riff which almost has an Eastern Arabic feel to it... but in the middle the \'bridge\' is imo a bit of a stretch... too far. 6,9 out of 10

6- Circle: Accoustic song. Quality stuff. The only petpeeve I could have with this song is that it\'s somewhat Keltic atmosphere seems a bit forced. 8,9 out of 10

7- Welcome: Like Three Nil this is Imo a superb song. Technically this one is VERY tight. Proves once more the Knot doesn\'t sell out.
9,5 out of 10.

8- Vermilion: Slow at the beginning and picks up speed near the end with good singing. Good entrance into the next song. Good vocals. Sampler can be heard inside of it 8,5 out of 10

9- Pulse of the Maggots: Alot of ppl point this one out as the new "Surfacing", while I say that honour goes to Three Nil. Why ? Cuz PotM isn\'t dark or rage. This song is about hope, for the band, for the fans. This is a heavy, but bright and feel-good-rock-song. The industrial samples (is it Craig or Sid !???? Damn, I still haven\'t figured it out) and the \'robotic\' lines "Do you understand ?" are definately Clown\'s To My Surprise influence, ... which is a good thing. 9,5 out of 10

10- Before I forget: Whoa ! If there is \'Stone Sour\' track on Vol.3, then this is it, imo. Very catchy, if somewhat repetitive, funk-grunge-rock. 8,9 out of 10

11- Vermilion, Pt.2: Whoa Again ! This is Slipknot\'s ultra soft melancholic love ballad. But it\'s NOT sellout. It\'s done with quality effort. Corey sings great here. Is that Chris singing "She isn\'t real, I can\'t make her real..." at the end !? ( reminds me a bit of Toto. LOL ) If so ; damn he can sing very well, apart from the back up growls we know for on former albums. 9,2 out of 10

12- The Nameless: Awesome song. Just as you thought this is another full on heavy song after Vermilion pt.2 ; the ballad chorus\'s surprises you. At the end the Xylophones are used in percussion. This sounds superb. I really wish they had used them more on other tracks 9,2 out of 10

13- Virus of Life: The new "Prosthetics". Eerie dark and heavy song about stalking. The only difference are the integrated skit-like parts with Corey hesitantly mumbling "No...no, wait...no..." as if he\'s playing the part of the stalker who almost \'strikes\', yet contains himself. The dj scratching which goes along with that make it somewhat humurously comical :nerd: a coffee table song this is certainly NOT, very intense song. 8,9 out of 10.

14-Danger, keep away: Bluesy rock song. Yes i know it\'s pace is slow but it does build up a tension towards the end which does NOT release...."I won\'t let you walk away without hearing what I have to say" it ends with as a kind of movie cliffhanger. Very good song which hints Vol.3 might not be the last Slipknot album. 9,1 out of 10.

In short ; I\'m very happy with this album. Ppl who wanted Selftitled or Iowa part 2 will probably be disappointed. Shame on them I\'d say. It\'s good to see Slipknot didn\'t do \'copy-paste\' with
Vol. 3. With help from Rubin they managed to regroup as a family unit and in the process evolve and prove the naysayers wrong.

Welcome back, Slipknot !  :thepimp:  ( next up... the Beastie Boys..15th June)
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Might as well since im obsessed: Slipknot Review
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2004, 12:34:29 PM »
I enjoyed very much more Iowa.
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Offline Viper_Fujax

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Might as well since im obsessed: Slipknot Review
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2004, 12:59:08 PM »
Originally posted by Knotter8

 The industrial samples (is it Craig or Sid !???? Damn, I still haven\'t figured it out)


Craig does the sampling and Sid does the DJing. But i can never tell whose doing what in the song so i give them both kudos,lol. I just know the beginning of Eyeless is Craig. Other than that i never know.

Originally posted by Knotter8

11-  Is that Chris singing "She isn\'t real, I can\'t make her real..." at the end !? ( reminds me a bit of Toto. LOL ) If so ; damn he can sing very well


I have a feeling Corey does the backups on the album, but chris and shawn both do backup vocals live.
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