Usually would take the more liberal side of this, but I do side with Giga, it\'s not just the poorer classes that join up with the Army.
My pa makes about 35 thousand a year, and thankfully is paying for my College Tuition...kind of. I\'m going to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (same town where I live). After filling out all of the FAFSA information back on February, and doing fairly well on the ACT (the only one that matters around here), I\'m getting about 2,550 in Grants per semester for my Freshman year. With that, I\'ll be paying about Two Dollars for my Tuition and Fees for the first semester, along with the One thousand dollars for Books and whatnot. Basically, the bare minimum that I\'ll be putting into college for my Freshman year is about 2,000, which is mainly for books and whatnot.
Now, I have a ton of friends that are enlisting in the Army (The Midwestern states usually have more people that enlist per person than any other states), and whereas more of them are on the shorter end of the stick, there are a few who could very easily go to College, but quite simply don\'t want to. When talking to most of those friends about their reasons for going into the Army, most of the time it wasn\'t to seek an education -- it was to serve the country.
See Yuz.