Originally posted by ViVi
Yeah thats ****ed up. Mystic, who is one of the people blaming Bush for the problems in america, doesnt even think of what illegals do to our economy.
hypocritical if u ask me
This coming from the man trying to say how wrong/bad everybody else is for their comments on illegals?
I think Mystiq has a couple of decent points but id also have to agree with so many other people on here. I wont take the time out to list all the points at this time, but i think ive said it earlier- We are not responsible for the living conditions in other places so we dont really have to care. Of course one could take into consideration why we are in iraq but you must also factor in the benefits we gain (or the fact that being there protects our well-being. Or so people say).
As for your parents Mystiq: If they didnt want to loose everything that they have then they should have applied for residency before they made such gains in america. And how they pay taxes w/o being leagal is beyond me. I know illegals and getting to know them personaly does make you see things a little differently but i still would have to agree with some of the points made by others in this thread.
I guess sometimes its easy to not care much about immigrants after seeing a group of illegals crusin around in a pimped out escalade etc. and imagining the fact that they dont pay shit, worth of taxes and have the luxury of spending that money so frivolously. Taxes take out such a chunk that i can understand how LIC feels sometimes but most of the time i wouldnt be as extreme.