I think the problem with handhelds as of late has been lack of original content. Honestly, Nintendo has banked on ports for the GBA and it already appears they are looking for the ports on the Nintendo DS. From what I have seen from the PSP, Sony also seems to be banking on ports (Gran Turismo, etc). I am not saying that there is not original content on handhelds, (Castle vania series on GBA!), but there does seem to be a lack of good original content.
As for the FPS, I would say the only true fun and intentive FPS as of late would be Half-Life . No, not even Half-Life 2, which is a fine game, but not nearly as breakthrough as the original was. Playing through Half-Life:Source, I can still apperciate what this game brought to the genre, something that I can\'t say for Doom 3, Far Cry or even Half-Life 2.
Lastly, slightly off-topic, but back onto the Nintendo DS, does anyone else get the impression that Nintendo is not really truly behind the system? Maybe it was the lack of launch hype, maybe it was the lack of launch titles, but I get the feeling that Nintendo is not quite sure what to do with the system, it\'s the same feeling I got when the Virtual Boy launched. And in the end, I think it may face the same problem. The very thing that makes the system so special, is something magazines can\'t actually show per say.