clips- I don\'t watch it religiously, but I would say I\'ve seen plenty. I\'ve been watching Fox News since I was in HS still, and O\'Reilly I\'ve watched irregularly for what... 5 years now? I\'m not sure. Point is, I\'ve seen no less than a hundred shows. He doesn\'t just cut off ppl for no reason. Maybe once in a great while he does, but usually Bill has asked a question, and the guest (Democrats especially like doing this) start to reply with something that has nothing to do with what he asked. Other times they are simply talking out of their asses. Both of those reasons seperately account for much more of Bill\'s interruptions.
Black- I don\'t see how Bill is any more pompus than anyone else, but you\'re right, I don\'t see him just admitting it if he did it. That hardly proves the supposed audio was authentic. If you were trying to BS a public figure in an extortion scheme, would you not spend awhile doing things to make what you claim was said sounds authentic? If I wanted to, I sure could. I don\'t say he didn\'t do it, I say we don\'t know, and his actions aren\'t proof he did. If there is no evidence, there is no trial? I guess you missed Michael Jacksons prior trial, in which there would have been a trial with a complete lack of evidence if he hadn\'t settled? Or the Blake trial coming up in which again, there is NO evidence? Or the fact that Kobe was going to trial with no evidence? These things get dragged through the mud for a long time when you\'re rich and famous, settling out of court is usually the best way for even an innocent person to deal with it because it gets it off the front pages and people move on. I don\'t know how you guys are missing this, but its precicely because of O\'Reilly\'s moralistic attitude that he would have settled regardless, this type of thing true or not could ruin his reputation and very livelyhood.