Expanding on the issue...
Considering their best equipment is what we left behind--and most of it was destroyed in thier "war" with Iraq--what do they plan to throw at us? Their air-defense capabilities are almost non-existant, the same with its ground forces. Below is thier basic Order of Battle:
Four Armored Divisions
= 3 Armored + 1 Mech Brigades + Arty Brigade with four or five artillery battalions
Six Infantry Divisions
= Four Infantry Brigades + 1 Arty Brigade (Same)
One Airborne Brigade
Two Commando Brigades
Several Independent Brigades (Armored, Infantry)
Five Artillery Brigades (same)
1565 Tanks, including T-54/66 and PRC T-59, 65 T-62,480 T-72, 200 Chieftan, 150 M-47/47, 150 M-60 and 10 Iranian Zulfiqar. T-54/55/59 should total about 510 machines.
APC: 500 BTR 50/60, 250 M-113, 10 Boragh
AFIV: 350 BMP-1, 400 BMP-2
Arty: Towed and SP: Russian, Chinese, North Korean, and American, many types
Air Order of Battle
SU-24 Fencer
F-14 Tomcat
F-5E Tiger II (F-5E/F)
MiG-19 Farmer
MiG-29 Fulcrum
F-4 Phantom II
F-7/J-7 Airguard (J-7II)
Su-17/20/22 Fitter (Su-22)
Su-25 Frogfoot
UH-1 Huey
206 Jet Ranger
AH-1 Cobra
CH-47 Chinook
CH-53 Super Stallion
Model 214ST
P-3 Orion
T-33 Shooting Star
EMB-312 Tucano
PC-7 Turbo Trainer
C-130 Hercules
IL-76 Candid
Y-11 / Y12
Turbo Commander 690B
An-72A Coaler
Considering Iran\'s best strategy was human wave assults, I imagine we\'ll be retaking our embassy in less than 2 weeks if hostilities break out....
They warn us to not play with fire? Aren\'t they forgetting that the army they fought for 8 years and couldn\'t gain any ground on was the same one we rolled over in less than 2 weeks?
Further proof clips that we are looking into pounding Iran:
Cat and mouse game over Iran
By Richard Sale
The U.S. Air Force is playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse with Iran\'s ayatollahs, flying American combat aircraft into Iranian airspace in an attempt to lure Tehran into turning on air defense radars, thus allowing U.S. pilots to grid the system for use in future targeting data, administration officials said.
"We have to know which targets to attack and how to attack them," said one, speaking on condition of anonymity.
The flights, which have been going on for weeks, are being launched from sites in Afghanistan and Iraq and are part of Bush administration attempts collect badly needed intelligence on Iran\'s possible nuclear weapons development sites, these sources said, speaking on condition of strict anonymity.
"These Iranian air defense positions are not just being observed, they\'re being \'templated,\'" an administration official said, explaining that the flights are part of a U.S. effort to develop "an electronic order of battle for Iran" in case of actual conflict.