Originally posted by Ginko
XNA is not for graphics, it is not an engine. It is a pool of resources designed to aid the developers in creating their games.
There have been shit games since I can remember, just as there have been exceptional games that are considered classics. You think that\'s going to change?
.I never had the impression this was an engine.If you pay attention to my post you ll see in bold developers that are capable at making good graphics.
I am not refering to a reduction of good games.Or an increase of shity games.I am refering to an appearance of more selling mediocre games with great graphics.
As I said the wow factor of classic games that were great as a whole at both graphics and gameplay will be reduced.Because they were top as a whole.Including physics and graphics.As I said GT4 wouldnt have been the same if 100 racing games with the same looks and similar physics existed on PS2.This wouldnt have prevented GT4 from being succesful.Commercially games sell.But as a gamer it is spoiling my experience
This can change!
The magic wand theory is something I learned while taking some 3d animation classes. No matter how amazing the tool set is it will not make someone creative, it will not make a good film, game, etc. The tools are there to help the artist, they can’t do anymore than that. If a developer lacks the capacity to make a good game then no amount of tools, no matter how great, is going to change that.
Developers that can do good graphics i said......in bold....
Why would you blame MS for games with good graphics/bad gameplay selling? This trend didn’t start with MS nor did it escalate with them. If you want to blame anyone for the rise in shit games you can probably blame Sony for creating the massive casual gamer market who buys into the less than stellar titles then the developers who take advantage.
You repeat what Black Samurai said.And I never said MS started it up.And whats this with Sony again?What?You think its an effort to bash MS?
The title sais XNA!We are discussing about XNA!And I am refering to XNA!
Again, for every gem on the PS2 there are 30 games that are less than average. The fact that PS2 is more complex to develop for is no more discouraging to make shit games. I have a mountain of PS2 games to name in order to back that statement up.
Its not a matter of the existence of shity games!!You still dont get my point
Also, we both know that these people are in it to make money. Fact is that games are getting more expensive to make due to the time required to build assets, custom tools, resources, etc. That labor doesn’t come cheap either. Before you know it creativity is put in the back seat while profit is priority number one. What sells? Graphics sell! Hence the ever growing library of garbage available on all three consoles.
Having a greater arsenal of tools will benefit everybody, and think of it as the good developers will be even better because of it.
That part I can agree with since this seems to balance things up.
I think your bias is truly showing here, that or you\'re just ignorant. Money is always the bottom line for any business, that’s a given, but you can’t outright say MS doesn’t give a shit about gaming because you’d be wrong on several accounts. It’s been said in several interviews with various developers who publish with MS that they are given free reign to be creative. Second is the reason of this very thread, XNA. Software being developed by MS to help developers.
Read the recent partnering with Mistwalker. MS is publishing both games but has given them complete freedom to do whatever they want. Don’t believe me? Read the interviews yourself, both sides say the same thing. Look up some Rare interviews as well.
Need reason for XNA? Go read the first 3 posts of this thread, looks like alot of developers are excited for it.
Also, don\'t forget Sony\'s jumping into the standardized toolset as well. Look up Collada. [/B]
Again whats this about Sony and all???The only reason you debate with me is because you think I am trying to bash MS?You think all this, is about being biased againts MS?
Perhaps anyone who thinks XNA isnt only a good thing should shut up because they are doing it to bash MS.
If you want to change the discussion to "Sony are the ones to blame for shitty games" then create a new thread