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Author Topic: This is weird  (Read 829 times)

Offline Paul2

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This is weird
« on: March 28, 2005, 10:03:51 PM »
Today, my brother bought blank discs DVD+Rs.

I burned it, and it doesn\'t play on playStation 2.  I got a little down and frustrated trying to figure out why,  because the blank discs are same manufacturer and model that I bought before.  Except the brand name is different, but that shouldn\'t matter since its pretty much the same disc with different branding and faceplate.  By the way, the manufacture and model is CMC

I was happy that it was exactly the same model since I burned this type of disc before that are playable on playStation 2.

So, I was thinking up reasons as why this could be, and i was disappointed that the same blank disc I burned today isn\'t playable anymore on ps2.

After I tried the TDK discs that I burnt today and last night.  Weird thing is, it also isn\'t playable on playStation 2.  Two days ago and before, the TDK discs I burn are all playable on ps2, but not the one I burnt last night and today...

this helps me ruled out a lot of reasons why it isn\'t recognizable on ps2.  At first, I thought it might have something to do with the dye of the burnt disc even thought its exactly the same model, this brand have slightly more violet-blue color while the other have slightly purple-red.  Then I thought it might be fake disc model, or something else because the burnt quality of the disc is actually great as I tested them.     But recent burnt disc are playable on stand a lone dvd players, except ps2 for disc that were burned last night and today.

Last night, my uncle went to my house and he updated my Window XP from SP1 to SP2.

He also updated my Nero Express version 6.3 to version 6.6.

Those are the only two suspicions I have left.

Either the SP2 for Window is unstable, (btw its Professional Edition, I am not sure if that\'s Home Edition or bussiness Edition)...or that Nero 6.6 have problems.

But I think it has to do with SP2 since my Window Media Player acts kinda weird thing too.

Now, I going to figure out how to go back to SP1 and see if its still do this.  If it still does, I am going to change Nero 6.6 back to 6.3....
« Last Edit: March 28, 2005, 10:10:43 PM by Paul2 »

Offline Jumpman

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This is weird
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2005, 10:15:38 PM »
Arrrrrrr matey.
Who is this anamoly we call Jumpman? How is he able to do what he does and still survive after years of torment? It seems he feeds on the hate, growing with an intense passion to put unassuming members in their place.

Offline Paul2

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This is weird
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2005, 01:31:49 AM »
read instructions on search engine to uninstall sp2 and I did it successful.  Now I am back at SP1.

It seems like everything went out smoothly, it ask me to put in Window XP SP1 disc to check if everything is intact but I didn\'t remember I had SP1, so i just put in Window XP with no SP1, and later I remember i have it, so I put in SP1, not sure if it was too late.  But it seems like everything is working out great like it was before.  Except since last night, it seems like the computer boot up slower than usual.

Even the Nero Express is now back to Version 6.3 without me having to uninstall and reinstalling it...

Even Window Media Player is working like it was before, the audio volume is correct now, before the volume goes from too quiet to too loud.

In SP2, the video screen doens\'t response when i select its screen size...now it working fine.

I am going to backup dvd later to see if my ps2 recognize it.

Hey, even though ps2 is a bad dvd reader, but because its bad it gives me a good idea on what disc works and what disc doesn\'t.  Otherwise, i will still stuck running Service Pack 2 that seems to have some glitches.

ADDED:  Okay, just burnt a dvd and it won\'t play on ps2 and an old stand-a-lone dvd player.  Its only play on newer dvd player.

the dvd that i copy from is a dvd-r disc burnt by my cousin\'s crappy dvd burner that have lots of PIE and PIF errors.  Especially PIF which is higher than it should be.  The new burnt disc that i burnt today is a much, much more improve quality.  But yet, I was quite surprised that it wasn\'t playable on ps2 and older stand a lone dvd player.  Something weird is going on here.  I guess I am going to install a fresh copy of Window XP or something...haven\'t decided yet...
« Last Edit: March 30, 2005, 12:16:27 AM by Paul2 »

Offline Paul2

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This is weird
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2005, 04:40:25 PM »
Finally, I spent hours this morning transfering important files to my brother\'s HDD, and reformatting my HDD and install a fresh copy of Window XP Service Pack 2 which was quite a surprise since I was worry about how reliable SP2 can be.

After I reinstall a brand new copy of Window XP, I reinstall all of the important programs software and I was happy that my HDD finally reads as 180 Gbytes (172 Gbytes actually), thanks to SP2.  Performance and speed is moving blazing fast.  And this afternoon, I try to burn DVD and I am happy that disc i burn today finally is readable on PS2 and my old dvd player.

I guess in order to take advantage of Service pack 2, I need to erase my HDD and reinstall a fresh copy of Window XP SP2.

Now, I am very happy how things turn out.

Offline Evi

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This is weird
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2005, 07:25:01 PM »

Offline Paul2

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This is weird
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2005, 02:07:11 AM »
Update:  After I burned some DVD discs that I found are unreadable on my ps2, I now suspecting more so it has to do with Service Pack 2.

last Sunday, my uncle came over again, I told him about the dvd burning problem with Service Pack 2.  He said its probably not that.  I told him last December I asked my cousin to make me a disc copy of SP1, but my cousin burnt me an sp2 that time.  So anyway, after my uncle left.  The computer keep asking me for a password after bootup.  So, i was unable to uses my computer for days.  I called my uncle, he said he didn\'t put any password on my account.  I am not sure if he did or not, but I am suspecting he probably did.

Anyway, I was planning on going over to my cousin\'s house so he can somehow solve the password problem.  but i didn\'t.  So, last night, i finally "repair" my Window XP Pro with no SP2.

Earlier, I tried to use the "repair" method, but i didn\'t read it carefully, it said repair with console or something like it.  When i click on it, it took me to this DOS file that i don\'t know how to use.

Then at night, I click on install Window XP and there, that I click on "Repair Window XP" which delete and make a fresh copy of Window XP Pro.  This time, I chooses my XP Pro with no service packs and after the "repair."

Its just delete Window and reinstall it while pretty much everything else remain intact (all my files, software programs, etc)...

and the interesting thing is, the Storage size still read 172 Gbytes.  I guess I got the best of both world.  SP2 \'storage problems\' fix and regular Window XP with no SP2 that doesn\'t have glitches with incompatibilities to my dvd players when I burned DVD movies.

So, from what I have experienced, I recommend Window XP Pro SP1 that fixes the "storage problems" but doesn\'t have the glitches that SP2 have.

Since I don\'t have SP1, this time I am going to be sure to come over to my cousin\'s house and have him make me a copy.  he thought later version SP2 will be better than older SP1 in everyway which is not always the case here.

ADDed :  called me worry too much, but after I clean the lasers of my brother\'s dvd player and on my ps2 using disc cleaner.  Every dvd disc that I burnt previously are now readable.  So, in parts, its not totally sp2\'s fault.:nut:
« Last Edit: April 07, 2005, 05:11:03 AM by Paul2 »


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