Originally posted by GigaShadow
What a great post filled with idiotic statements, once again showing you have no clue about what really goes on in the world. Since you laced your post with insults, you won\'t mind if I return the favor will you? This isn\'t about the President it is about bad and unresponsible reporting. Stay on topic... oh thats right you can\'t - your post is idiotic rant about me and how much the world hates us! In case you hadn\'t noticed the story had been retracted - meaning they couldn\'t prove it, yet you know better then they do right Misstiq?
Once again you can\'t stay on topic.
I laced my post with insults? OMG, let\'s not do that. You braindead moron, you are the KING of "lacing" post with insults. So, I\'m just trying to mimic the master.
Are you ignoring all of the new information that the gov. is dishing out? They have heard "cases" where soldiers mishandled the damn Koran. Yet, you are sticking with that one instance. And I doubt that Newsweek retracted the story because they couldn\'t prove it, it was because of all the political pressure they are being put under. Man if I\'m blindfolded, you must be body wrapped.
And for the record-when I say "Bush and his goons" or "Bush" I\'m referring to the government in place. Get it? Bush is the leader, and his goons are his followers. And everybody that works for them are in the government. Sorry for lumping them up in one word, geez.
Originally posted by GigaShadow
This has to be one of the dumbest posts I have ever read and this quote is its crowning achievement. Not only do make dumbass generalizations, but it also proves your tin foil hat is on too tight. The Newsweek article didn\'t cause the riots that resulted in people\'s deaths?
I could list more. No that story didn\'t give them a reason to riot did it? "EVERYBODY ACROSS THE GLOBE hates America and Americans (like Giga)" <------ that quote proves you spawned at the shallow end of the gene pool.
Just like you, you take everyword literally and just eat it. I KNOW that the Newsweek story spawned protest. I KNOW that Newsweek\'s report was the cause of the rebellion. But you CAN\'T put all the blame on Newsweek. The government(Bush\'s people) should NOT put such pressure on a media source. They are intimidating the press, they come out and make the press look as anti-american as they can, yet they expect the press to publish good and "ohh look at us, we\'re great because we\'re american" stories like clockwork to keep idiotic, "patriotic", liberal hunting goons like you happy. Please.
Dumb generalizations? HAHA, and assuming that the people that were stirred from the story did it solely because they were insulted by the story and the story alone? Talk about irony.
Originally posted by GigaShadow
I didn\'t give a flying fuck if it was flushed down the toilet - personally I wish they would wipe their asses with it and make the inmates eat it - then when they shit it out make you eat it. I don\'t care. You really need to take this post and go over to DU because you would fit right in with those asshats and their fucked up view of America. Bush and his Goons? This has nothing to do with Bush. You can\'t seperate anything in here from Bush can you?
Fucked up view of America? HAHAHAHA, dude you are proving each day that they are right about how you feel about them? Listen, why don\'t you go out and say that in public? Then you people wonder why this country was attacked and hated? PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT THINK LIKE YOU!! But you people never learn.
Originally posted by GigaShadow
Blah blah blah... do you ever get tired of hearing yourself talk? I don\'t even consider you American and never will. You don\'t blindly hate the President? "BS Administration" "Bush and his Goons" "Everybody hates America" - that is just this post alone. Stop contradicting yourself and trying to cover it up. You are a known liar on this board. Take some lessons from Core instead of spouting your nonsense and intermixed with your hatred for me. I could get really personal here regarding what I think of you and your views, but I digress...
Newsweek not at fault. You already said this and again you are wrong.
Well, I don\'t know what you can really say about me and my views that you haven\'t really said. But I DON\'T CARE! Yes, the wonders of the internet-excuse me here in Texas it\'s "internets"
Well, I don\'t consider you a true patriotic American either so we\'re equal on that turf.
I don\'t "blindly" hate. I have reasons to hate. So it\'s not blind, I know why I hate. Get it? You on the other hand were are the WMD? Where is Osama? Where is the short quick war in Iraq? Damn right, NOWHERE. I don\'t give a fuck if other people shrink and let themselves be trained by you. I don\'t care what Cored does.
And it\'s not nonsense. It\'s just not things that you like to hear.
Originally posted by GigaShadow
So lets recap...
I would blame liberals if one of my nuts fell off.
The entire world hates me and America.
This administration is BS.
Bush has Goons that are trying to "frame" the media.
According to you I am a moron and an old fool...
Well Misstiq - you have topped some of your previous dumbass remarks with this jumbled and rambling post - I hope you are proud. Instead of blaming the story, which did not have sources and WAS RETRACTED - you blame Bush. How typical. :rolleyes:
Asshat - ie. you.
Yeah, the recap pretty much sums it up. If you stopped insulting people, because it\'s not just me, then I wouldn\'t try to insult anybody either. But since you do it, why shouldn\'t I? That is what I mean about your menopause syndrome.
Do I get a prize for this crowning achivement?
Well, I assumed that I was an "asshat" from your previous use of the word. But damn, did that skinny bitch Ann Coulter publish the "Conservative book of names to call liberals" or something?