Originally posted by clips
^^^what i mean by that is of course i don\'t want my kids drinking either, but to see them smokin\' and gettin lifted like that? naw..as crazy as this sounds i\'d rather kick back with my kids when they\'re grown and knock out a beer or two....not smoke weed with them...
i completely disagree.
I\'ve seen more porblems happen because of alcohol. People get drunk and do stupid things, fight and become dnagerous people under the influence of alcohol.
Not once in my entire life have I ever seen anyone become violent do to mj intoxication.
Also Alcohol kills more braincells then mj, and there have been studies done in other Coutnries that have documented a slight increase in intelligence with moderate mj use over a 10 year period. Very slight, but it still debunks the myth that mj makes ya stupid.
Personally I do not like Alcohol. If I drink enough to catch a buzz i become and I don\'t fell well for the next day or 2 which means my production at work falls. With mj I feel just fine the next day, never have a hangover, and never witness any of the ill effects that most peopel suffer from when consuming alcohol.
mj is a plant that grows wild, has many industrial, medicianl, and recreational properties. It has been used for centuries by almost every culture. The government IMO has absolutly no business is declaring mj an illegal substance.
But lets face it. America has become a lame ass country, and the powers that be are more interested in control of its citizens and capitialistic ideologies then basic freedoms