To get HD you can get it via:
1) OTA - Over the Air. Sent via radio waves old-school style. Totally free but you only get the handful of channels that broadcast free (NBC-HD, CBS, ABC, etc..). You need an HD Tuner, either standalone or one that\'s built into your TV. If the TV says HD Ready it doesn\'t have it. At $500 you\'re cutting it close.
2) QAM - Digital cable. If you already have a service the HD package only costs around $5 extra a month. This service comes with an HD decoding box.
3) 8VSB - Satelite. I think Vid has this. This service also comes with an HD decoding box. The most selection and the fact that they *aren\'t* a cable company is enough reason to get it. :P Only reason why we\'re stil on cable is because they offer a discount if you get cable TV + cable internets.