Originally Posted by nottheliving
i got this job from not what i know, but who i know We got the original iges file that they used for the cgi in the movie, and we put it into our Cad programs, broke it into around 20 huge chunks, put it on our cnc machines (they ran for like two weeks straight non stop) then glued the pieces together.....i love this job
Originally Posted by nottheliving
its only going to be there for.....get this.....One Day........(the drivers who took it down are also bringing it back)it\'s coming down around 12 tonight...then strangely enough they are going to bring it all the way back to Los Angeles, (rumor has it they want to fly it around in a cargo net around LA, and drop it into Universal Studios as if they had just caught the beast....) <-but dont hold me to it, cuz thats just a rumor floating around.....
our boss said "save your files for god sakes" because there is a chance they might want to buy another two off of us, to be sent to Tokyo, and one to Universal Studios, Florida.