well, at least LIC compared it to a launch in the last year.
i havent checked but is the PSp really down to 2 new games scheduled a month?
**wow, just looked. lots of titles
http://www.us.playstation.com/psp/games.aspx?alloh and
and who could forget the PSP launch titles?
# Ape Escape: On the Loose, Sony Computer Entertainment America
# ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin\' Trails, Sony Computer Entertainment America
# Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower, Capcom
# Dynasty Warriors, KOEI
# FIFA 2005, Electronic Arts
# Gretzky NHL, Sony Computer Entertainment America
# Lumines, Ubisoft
# Metal Gear Acid, Konami
# MLB, Sony Computer Entertainment America
# MVP Baseball, Electronic Arts
# NBA, Sony Computer Entertainment America
# NBA Street Showdown, Electronic Arts
# Need for Speed Rivals, Electronic Arts
# NFL Street 2 Unleashed, Electronic Arts
# Rengoku: Tower of Purgatory, Konami
# Ridge Racer, Namco
# Smartbomb, Eidos Interactive
# Spider-Man 2, Activision
# Tiger Woods PGA TOUR, Electronic Arts
# Tony Hawk\'s Underground 2 Remix, Activision
# Twisted Metal: Head On, Sony Computer Entertainment America
# Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade, Sony Online Entertainment
# Wipeout Pure, Sony Computer Entertainment America
# World Tour Soccer, Sony Computer Entertainment America
(yes, im bored)
the 360 was the be all, end all of console gaming.
i guess irony is a learned trait.
I don\'t get why you\'d pay the same amount for a UMD when you can get it on DVD for the same price. I dunno. I just don\'t get it.
because taking the PSP on the bus is so much cooler than those 6" portable DVD players