If you\'re gonna link it, then link the HD versions (you can spot Mr Pyramid Head) :
SH trailer HD I\'m really looking forward to this movie. Based on purely the trailer there are still alot of things which NEED improvement,
although the Roger Avery interviews sound promising ;
"Instilling the movie with the same eerie, exploratory feel as the game was a difficult task, especially since that meant breaking from the usual movie mold. "Because of that, it became a very difficult script for the studio to accept. We had long passages with no dialogue. Christophe wanted to ensure that when we wanted to have dialogue, we wrote it big. But for the most part, much of the movie is a silent film - we wanted it to be full of silence. So there are scenes where Rose is just wandering through Silent Hill.
"In the script phase, we had long, long moments where seemingly nothing happens. It\'s all atmosphere – you\'re falling slowly into a world and experiencing it much like you would in the game."
Instilling the movie with the same eerie, exploratory feel as the game was a difficult task, especially since that meant breaking from the usual movie mold. "Because of that, it became a very difficult script for the studio to accept. We had long passages with no dialogue. Christophe wanted to ensure that when we wanted to have dialogue, we wrote it big. But for the most part, much of the movie is a silent film - we wanted it to be full of silence. So there are scenes where Rose is just wandering through Silent Hill. Good to see that Avery is aware of the importance to break from the studio \'rules\'. I hate those cliches like overabundant chatter to illustrate obvious fear or anticipation of terror.
SH\'s environment and leveldesign are metaphores. I hope they\'l be able to convey that into the movie. I still miss the typical SH grain though and dark areas in that trailer.