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hi,http://www.m-create.com/jpn/s_ranking.htmlDSL 68,438 DS 49,118 PSP 43,110 PS2 25,778 GBASP 5,493 GBM 3,213 GC 1,489 Xbox360 1,240 Xbox 101 GBA 98
Do your math again, the DS outsold the PSP by about 80,000 that week.Each version outsold it and combined, they blew it away. ;]-Dan/just sayin
Nice to see even GC is outselling 360
Well, it\'s Japan.Anyway, the DS is an awesome little handheld, so those sales aren\'t surprising. The PSP isn\'t doing bad but I expected it to do better. I thought games like Breath of Fire 3 and Tales of Eternia would remedy this but I guess not.