yeah, a few hours later after i make this thread, i find out the answers from this site: It include 1st - 5th generation catridges.
so, NES have from 64 KBytes - 512 KBytes Cartridges. MMC can expands this, and one game use up to 768 Kbytes.
SMS has as many as 524 Kbytes.
Sega Genesis cartridges are in 4 Mbytes. SFII expand it up to 5 Mbytes.
Super Nintendo cartridges have as little as 512 Kbytes to as many as 16 Mbytes.
N64 catridges range from 16 Mbytes to 64 Mbytes.
I didn\'t know the sega 32X only hold 4 Mbytes max...
quite interesting.