i have no idea where to put this...
So toys r\' us is having a buy 2 get one free deal this week. And i want marvel ultimate alliance, Gears of War, and Rainbow six. The catch is is that you cant use the deal on pre-orders, and they wont let you exchange for a game released after Oct 28th (heard that from some random guy, not sure if its true).
I COULD get nba 2k7 and splinter cell along with marvel, but i dont think i could buy those games and then turn around the next month and get 2 more games.
Is there any way i could buy marvel, splinter cell, and nba 2k7; not open splinter cell and nba and return those two for gears of war and rainbow six at wal-mart? i heard they do full exchanges for games without a reciept, but its kind of risky.