If you cats ever go to blockbuster, you gotta rent Feast..., yo,....this is one of the best horror joints that i\'ve seen in a long while, the movie opens up with a short decription of each character, but there\'s something in the description called "life expectancy" which somewhat have you believe who will live or die, but you can\'t really go by that....desribing the movie in this forum really doesn\'t do it justice....gore was off the chain and it doesn\'t look cheap,...and the monsters?...some of the s**t they do will have you like wtf?....:eek:...
movie was funny as hell in some parts and extremely scary and suspenseful in others, i don\'t really buy movies, but there art two that whenever i\'m in the store, i\'m going to pick them up, one is silent hill and the other is feast....this movie is a blast the whole way through....i was going to go see chainsaw the beginning and saw3,...but i\'m sure this movie is better than both of those...