Interesting post I read on another board:
Sony is expanding on the number of cool things you can do between the PS3 and PlayStation Portable this year.
As most of you know, you can already access your PS3 with your PSP, streaming videos and movies from the hard drive or even browse the internet. The PSN has grown to allow PSOne downloads to work on either the PS3 or PSP. Another tested feature was the ability to play the PS3 game Lair in a limited fashion using your PSP which displayed the game screen.
Starting this year, there will be even more features added. For one, it was announced at CES that Blu-ray movies
will be sold with a PSP version added to the disc for free. Simply pop it in your PS3, transfer it to a memory stick and you can watch the movie on your PSP anytime you please. It\'s always on your Blu-ray disc so don\'t worry about erasing it.
Also, Gran Turismo Portable for the PSP is said to have some
interesting possibilities when it comes out shortly after GT5 on the PS3. For one, the team is trying to make it possible for PS3 and PSP drivers to race each other. No doubt other cross-platform ideas are being looked into as well.
Both the PS3 and PSP on their own have a lot of multimedia options and unique features besides quality gaming. It\'s good to see Sony trying to get even more value out of the two units for those of us who own them both.
The Blu-Ray transfer sounds really cool. Aren\'t there 16gb mem cards for the thing out already?